🎨Color Utility

ColorUtil is a utility class meant for manipulating strings to incorporate color codes. It includes methods to parse and translate both traditional Minecraft color codes and hex color codes.

Method: translate(String input)

This method translates a given string containing basic Minecraft color codes and hex color codes into a format that Minecraft can understand and display.

  • Parameters:

    • input: A string containing color codes. Basic color codes are prefixed with &, and hex color codes are enclosed in square brackets, like &[FFFFFF].

  • Functionality:

    • The method uses a regular expression pattern to find and process hex color codes in the input string.

    • Each found hex color code is converted to a format that Minecraft's ChatColor class can interpret.

    • After processing hex codes, the method translates the rest of the basic color codes using Bukkit's ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes method.

  • Example Usage:

    String coloredText = ColorUtil.translate("&aGreen text with a &[FF0000]red part");
    // This will translate to a green-colored text followed by a red-colored text section.

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